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Caring for Babies & Young Children

Caring for Babies & Young Children content from the blog…

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Children can
learn, collect & share these messages!



MAKE our own Caring for Babies & Young Children Messages using our own words in our own language!

LEARN these messages so we never forget them!

ADD these messages to our collection!

SHARE these messages with other children and our families!


DIVIDE children into groups of ‘boys’ and ‘girls’; have boys play ‘girls games’ and girls play ‘boys games’. Afterwards, have both groups discuss the game. For example, do you agree with the games being called BOYS or GIRLS games? Why or why not?

CHILDREN can discuss what good and bad behaviours are at home or in the school and why. They can make poster to show them or do a role play about this topic.

ORGANISE ‘toy-making competitions’ with children. Such as mobiles, rattles, building blocks, dolls, animals and picture books. The competition can be at home, run by community groups or in school.

MAKE drawings and posters to show some of the things that need to be done to prevent diseases.


MAKE a short play about caregivers playing with young children the right way. They can play out the dialogue between two mothers; one who believes young children should be kept quiet and one who believes in playing!

CHILDREN can mime/act out an emotion/feeling only with gestures and face expressions. The other children guess what the feeling or emotion is.

CHILDREN can ask their parents and grandparents why and what makes babies cry and laugh. They can share with the class what they have found out.

AT SCHOOL, a class can ‘adopt a baby’ from the local community. The mother can come into the class every month or two to discuss with the children how the baby is growing.

MAKE a song or songs to describe the actions necessary to prevent diseases (wash hands, take a bath, wear clean cloths, drink safe water). They can sing them at home with their younger siblings.

OLDER children can interview parents to find out what was most difficult for them when caring for their babies and young children and what helped them the most.


ASK a health worker or a science teacher to tell you more about how the brain grows.

OLDER children can ask the elderly in the community to teach them songs, stories and games and sing songs for babies and younger children.

CHILDREN can ask adults what do they think it is important to do to prevent babies from getting diseases.

When teaching children these messages, it can be hard to hold their interest in the topic and keep energy up. For ideas on keeping children engaged and excited, look at Closing Games & Activities.

  1. Play games, cuddle, talk, show, laugh and sing to babies and young children as much as you can.

  2. Babies and young children become angry, afraid and tearful easily & can’t explain their feelings. Always be kind.

  3. Young children learn fast: how to walk, make sounds, eat and drink. Help them but let them make safe mistakes too!

  4. All girls and all boys are as important as each other. Treat everyone well especially children who are sick or who have disabilities.

  5. Young children copy the actions of those around them. Look after yourself, behave well near them & show them good ways.

  6. When young children cry, there’s a reason (hunger, fear, pain). Try to find out why.

  7. Help prepare young children for learning at school by playing number and word games, painting or drawing. Tell them stories, sing songs and dance.

  8. In a group, watch and record in a notebook how a baby grows into a toddler and when they do important ‘firsts’ like speak, walk & talk.

  9. Prevent diseases by helping adults and older siblings to check that babies & young children are clean (especially hands and faces), drink safe water & eat enough good food.

  10. Give loving care to babies & young children but don’t forget about yourself. You are important too!
