Everyone Counts Read Along
We have released a new video: Everyone Counts! Watch and read along from your own copy
We have released a new video: Everyone Counts! Watch and read along from your own copy
Lovely, clear simple animated film by the outstanding Global Health Media.
In the Rainbow Flower video, our CEO and founder Clare Hanbury, explains the tool and how to use
In this short video, Clare Hanbury talks about the origins of Children for Health and why she founded it in 2013. Have a look
Here is a video in which our director, Clare Hanbury talks about The Children for Health 100 health messages
The first in our video series, watch and listen as Clare talks about what inspires her to do this work
Children for Health builds upon the relationship that older children have with younger children, teaching and caring for the
Children love watching videos and showing them this video is a great start to getting children chatting together and with their families about malaria