Vitamin A pills can be given to young children once or twice a year (as prescribed by a medical professional). It helps protect their eyes.
A good diet is one that includes lots of natural coloured fruit and vegetables. Each week we should be able to say “I ate a rainbow this week!” This is not to say that white or brown coloured foods are bad for us (egg white, fish and chicken, garlic, potatoes etc.) only that we need to include the colours too. The colours in the fruit and vegetables contain MICRONUTRIENTS. Micro = small & NUTRIENT = something we need to live. Vitamin A is one of many important micronutrients that keep our body strong and our eyes healthy. When babies have breast milk, although the milk is not colourful, the micronutrients are in the milk, but it’s important that the mother is eating a good diet. The yellow milk that comes for a few days after a baby is born has MANY micronutrients inside it. It is called ‘colostrum’. It’s the most important food for babies to have after they are born.
Why is it that children in some families do not eat Vitamin A rich food? What can we do?