Cloth Hangers – These could be made by a local tailor or by parents or even by the children in the school. These can be any size that suits your room and the way you use the library.
Sets of Books- These are here FREE for you to use. These could be printed by local printers or local businesses or partner schools in better off areas
Time to read the books
Time to talk about the books or do follow up activities
Both could be in school time or after school, in groups or individually, older children reading to younger ones and younger ones reading to older ones. It’s up to each school to organise it how it suits them. Remember Practice makes Perfect.
Somewhere to store the libraries.
Somewhere to hang the libraries when they are being used. Hooks on the wall are useful but the window frame will do.
Someone to be librarian (check the books in and out of the library and keep a record of when books need replacing) This does not have to be a member of staff. Your pupils can help and take responsibility.
A time at the end of term to take stock.
A way of replacing books when they get damaged or go missing.
Ideally English-local language dictionaries (1-3 copies per library)