Children for Health works hand-in-hand with other organisations and programmes. We build capacity. We offer technical advice, mentoring and training. We work to create teaching materials and programme strategy.
We work using our partner’s existing structures and systems. We work to strengthen, develop, deliver and evaluate effective health education for and with children. We do it in a way that is scalable. Find more detail on what we do for partners.
From our website, we offer expertly curated health education content for free. This can be used with children from primary school age and upwards. Our health messages and activities can be used, adapted and translated to fit existing programmes. Our mascots, ZuZu and ZaZa make learning fun and engaging. Our Stories for Health combine literacy with lifeskills and health and can be used in classrooms and at home. Our Posters for Health are “talking tools” that help partners, trainers and teachers recognise, understand and deepen opportunities for participatory work in health with children.
For more detail on the rationale of how we work, download our Theory of Change PDF now.
Here are some of the wonderful organisations we have partnered with previously and the amazing projects we created.
Children’s Health Clubs, with Save the Children in India.
Diarrhoea Prevention, with Save the Children in India and Nigeria.
Nutrition Education, with Save the Children in Cambodia.
Safe, Strong and Smiling in Sierra Leone, with UMC.
Nutrition Education (PCAANS), with The Government of Mozambique and DANIDA.
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Eye Health and Vision Education, with Peek Vision.