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Professional Conduct in Relation to Children

Here is a template for a form you can adapt and use for your Club. We would like to acknowledge SOS Children’s Villages for the use of their Code of Conduct on which this code of conduct has been adapted.

More resources on standards in Child Protection can be found on the Keeping Children Safe Website.


Promoting the welfare and development of children

  1. I am concerned for the situation of children in general and will promote their welfare and contribute to the development of each individual child to their full potential.
  2. Whenever I am with children, I shall contribute to create a positive atmosphere. I will provide children with respect, justice and understanding.
  3. I am aware of being a role model for children and adolescents and therefore commit to displaying a respectful and responsible behaviour at all times.
  4. I shall treat all children, adolescents, colleagues, and affiliated persons with sensitivity, tolerance dignity and respect, irrespective of race, colour, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, age and/or disability or any other personal characteristics. I recognise equal opportunity and will treat all children equally, including through promoting the practice of gender equality.

 Child protection – keeping children safe from harm

  1. I shall always uphold the trust and confidence placed in me to protect children and serve their best interests.
  2. I shall always conduct myself in a way that safeguards children and youth from all forms of discrimination, abuse, mistreatment and neglect.
  3. I shall not initiate or become involved in romantic or sexual relationships with children or adolescents. I am aware that such a relationship will lead to legal consequences. Sexual activity with children is prohibited regardless of the age of majority or age of consent locally. Mistaken belief in the age of a child is not a defence.
  4. I shall not exchange money, employment, goods or services for sex, including sexual favours or other forms of humiliating, degrading or exploitative behaviour.
  5. I shall not enter into sexual relationships with members of the local community that are receiving assistance associated with this programme, since these relationships are based on inherently unequal power dynamics.
  6. I shall make sure that my work with children is visible to others and generally will not spend excessive time alone with children and away from others.
  7. I shall report all concerns regarding actual or potential child abuse, mistreatment or any other violation of the Child Protection Policy according to reporting and responding systems relevant to the organisations with whom I work. I shall do this trusting that I shall be protected and supported by the organisation.
  8. I shall keep any data I have access to about the children and youth programmes confidential


I have carefully read and clearly understood this Code of Conduct. I am aware that the programme expects me to uphold the standards of behaviour described in this Code of Conduct at all times. I fully appreciate its context and contents. By signing this Code of Conduct, I commit myself in unison with the programme to aspire for and maintain the required conduct and lifestyle as a precondition to my service.

I have received and hereby sign a copy of this document; a copy of the signed document will be filed in my personnel file.

Name:                                                                                                                                 Date:



Signature:                                                                                                                         Location: