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Training Workshops, Tools & Resources

The Children for Health model is to train the trainers, teachers and educators to effect change in their own communities. See more about How We Work. People on the outside looking in cannot give the same quality of help as those on the inside. We don’t want to simply go in and tell people what we think, we want to have a dialogue and give ideas and tools that will help communities help themselves.

To that end, we have run training courses around the world. We currently have several of our tools available on our website:

We have also devised a model called, The Rainbow Circle that outlines five crucial factors, all linked to identity and the way choices are made.

Until and unless the people whose choices we seek to change are deeply involved in identifying the factors that drive their choices, the behaviour will not change. The bottom line is that they are choosing the behaviour we would like them to change for powerful reasons.

We’re working on developing this tool still, click here if you’d like to help us with that.