Purpose of Activity:
Life skills: Self-awareness, Creative thinking, Critical thinking
Important points:
Before this activity, do an activity on what it means to be a friend for example Activities 8, 9 and 10. Everyone reacts to arguments. Some people shout and hit out, others go quiet or leave. Arguments nearly always leave us feeling upset, weak and nervous. Understanding arguments help children cope better.
One day Rose went to her classmate Dinah and asked her to help her with her maths homework. She started showing Rose how to do a maths problem but unfortunately, Rose was a slow learner and did not understand. Dinah got angry and started to scream to Rose, ‘You are stupid,’ and she hit her. Rose got angry too. And a fight began.
Adrian (15 years old) and Valentin (11) were playing cards. Valentin was winning. Suddenly Adrian got angry and hit Valentin right across the face. Valentin got angry and a fight began.
Shoba is Parveen’s sister. When Parveen was coming home from school, Shoba ran to help her sister and acrried in her school bag. Shoba went inside the house and started to look at Parveen’s note books. When Parveen saw this, she started to shout at her sister.
You can have a break here
When did you last argue with a friend? Why? Are you still friends? Why/why not? What happens to your friendships when you ask angry?
Ask the children to create role plays using real situations. See Activity 38: What makes me angry.