Purpose of Activity
Life Skills: Coping with Stress & Emotion, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking
You are walking on the street one night. There is no moon and everywhere is quiet. There have been rumours of armed bandits (thieves) in the area and every sound seems to be dangerous to you. Suddenly someone jumps out from behind a tree just in front of you, clamps a hand tightly over your mouth and starts to pull you to a half-built house. You can see he is carrying a big knife with him.
Is it bad to have fears? Why or Why not? Can fear help us? What can we do with our fears?
Much poetry and words for songs are about people’s difficulties and fears. Children can make up songs or poems using ideas from this session. They can write these down or ask others to help write them down. These can be performed in the group; they can be published in newspapers or appropriate newsletters.