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Developing our Malaria Poster

Our Malaria Poster is nearly finalised, we are so proud of the work that has gone into it. This is our first topic poster and it is only suitable that we present Malaria in April as it is our topic of the month!

This endeavour started 18 months ago and has involved a lot of work. We have drafted, taken advice, redrafted, taken more advice and did it all again, but we were still not happy with it. We did one more big push and got help from three close associates and we finally feel we are getting somewhere.

Our goals with this poster are:

  • Simplicity;
  • Communicating 10 key messages about Malaria; and
  • Conveying the idea of ‘what children can do’ to prevent malaria.

These characteristics make the poster uniquely ‘Children for Health’. We have developed our Malaria poster with the help of:

  • Practitioners who wish to actually USE the poster once it’s finished;
  • Medial professionals who know the science; and
  • Potential distributors of the poster – like Community-based Organisations, International Non-Government Organisations, Government Organisations and others.

So this is where we are, mid-April 2018, we would love to hear your feedback before we colour in the pictures and publish the final version. Alternatively, download a PDF of the draft.

Click to view a larger size of the Malaria Poster draft.

…and we have started a list of FAQs alongside this draft.

  1. Why are the faces of the children multi-ethnic?
    We wish for our posters to have a global reach. Projects are welcome to adapt the drawings so they are more representatives of the communities they serve.

  2. Some of the pictures may not be immediately obvious to children like the magnified mosquito and the calendar pictures.
    We expect that the posters will be used as education resources by health educators of some kind. So the poster is not designed to be the same as those ‘single message posters’ that you see on the wall of a clinic or classroom. We would expect the poster to be a tool for discussion and/or an aide memoir for a group or a class working on activities to prevent malaria in their communities. We feel that the mosquito image and the calendar image are useful for health educators to use to convey to children, what they can do.

If you have other questions then please ask them and we can add to this list of FAQs.

The poster is finished and available for downloaded now!
We have many other wonderful free resources available too!