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100 Messages for FREE during Health Literacy Month

October is Health Literacy Month. This is a time for organisations and individuals to promote the importance of understandable health information. This annual, worldwide, awareness-raising event has been going strong ever since Helen Osborne founded it in 1999. Click here for more information.

To help celebrate Health Literacy Month we are giving away the Children for Health 100 messages booklet. This digital booklet contains Children for Health’s 100 messages for children to learn and share; they are sorted into ten topics in a colourful, easy to use and easy to print format. Here is the booklet FREE for you to download and use.

The ten topics included are:

  • Malaria,
  • Diarrhoea,
  • Nutrition,
  • Coughs, Colds & Pneumonia,
  • Intestinal Worms,
  • Water, Sanitation & Hygiene,
  • Immunisation,
  • HIV & Aids
  • Accidents & Preventing Injuries,
  • Caring for Babies & Young Children

You might also be interested to know How We Create our Messages or our Methods to Learn the 100.

If you like this, you may be interested in our 100 Messages poster. To get this and other FREE materials (storybooks, posters and teachers guides) visit our resources section!