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Study of Teaching Strategies & Practices

A Study of Pedagogy, Curricula, Teaching Practices and Teacher Education in Developing Countries.

In the most comprehensive review to date of 489 studies, researchers commissioned by DFID identified three interactive strategies and six engaging teaching practices that effective teachers use in the classroom.

Three interactive teaching strategies:

  1. Provide feedback, sustained attention, and inclusion.
  2. Create a safe environment in which students are supported in their learning.
  3. Draw on students’ backgrounds and experiences.
Children in Mozambique, identifying health priorities in their family and community using fun methods.

Six engaging teaching practices:

  1. Flexible use of whole-class, group, and pair work where students discuss a shared task.
  2. Frequent and relevant use of learning materials beyond the textbook.
  3. Open and close questioning, expanding on student responses encouraging student questioning.
  4. Demonstrating and explaining, drawing on sound pedagogical content knowledge.
  5. Using local languages and code-switching.
  6. Planning and varying lesson sequences.

Researchers also found that effective teachers had positive attitudes toward their training and their students. This helped to position them in the best frame of mind to shape the teaching and learning process in ways that are interactive, engaging, and participatory, provoking visible responses from students and providing indication that learning is taking place.

Read the entire review here.