This is a FANTASTIC study – well worth downloading and reading. A fuller review will come in July during our Nutrition Month.
Bridging the Gap: Engaging Adolescents for Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Development May 2018. WFP and Anthrologica
When we first discussed the idea for this research with Anthrologica and Unilever four years ago, we couldn’t have anticipated the range of insights it would give us. While we went in with a focus of how to reach adolescents, we came out with our eyes opened to the unique influence they could have in the household.
Many adolescents play an active role in providing food for the family – cooking, buying and earning money to buy food. They are more tech-savvy than their parents (what adolescent isn’t?), and they are exposed to different environments outside the household whose stimuli they absorb and bring back home. Children are told what to eat; adolescents are more likely to decide what to eat, based on the world around them. And if they make the right choices, they can influence the entire family.
Lauren Landis, World Food Programme