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Building Memory Palaces

In 2015 we tackled the issue of children memorising our 100 messages head on. Have a look at what we wrote here.

However, this issue hasn’t gone away and each time we are in front of teachers we meet with some scepticism that young adolescents have the capacity to learn and retain 100 health messages and share them accurately.

We think they can learn and retain a lot more then 100!

Someone who agrees with us is the memory expert Aaron Ralby who has adapted his deep knowledge on memory techniques to language learning. Find out more about Aaron here.

Aaron has known about the work of Children for Health for a while and is keen to work with us and with groups of literate and non-literate children to prove how easy it is for children to learn, retain, relate and tell stories about all 100 health messages and do this in a short time.

FIVE HOURS is his estimation of the total time it will take.

So we are trying to raise money to do put this to the test and to work with groups of children and to film the process so that we can analyse it and then make online training modules for teachers to learn how to replicate the Children for Health Memory Palace Approach. (Making training videos is another thing that Aaron is an expert in!)

If you are interested in this idea, maybe supporting it or trying it out in a school or a club – please get in touch