The Director of Children for Health, Clare Hanbury, prepared two sets of materials on children’s participation in child protection for Child to Child and The Keeping Children Safe Coalition, namely:
The project involved testing the toolkit and training module in Sierra Leone, with colleagues in a number of different organisations based throughout Africa. All these organisations are members of the Keeping Children Safe Coalition. Online versions of both sets of materials can be downloaded for FREE. It is important to emphasise that while these materials aim to encourage children to get involved in child protection, we believe that its the responsibility of adults to ensure children are safe.
Here is a bit more on the materials…
The Training Module on Child Participation in Child Protection is the 5th Module within the Keeping Children Safe Tool 3. Module 5 is from pages 91 to 132 and is set out in the following way:
Module Five: Children’s Participation and Child Protection: A Guide for Training Adults
Tool 4 aims to provide adults working with children with exercises and activities that will get them started in learning about how to keep themselves and other children safer. Tool 4 is structured as set out below:
Module One: Children recognise what is child abuse
Module Two: Children keeping themselves and others safe
Module Three: Making organisations feel safe for children
Module Four: A Resources Guide
Or download the entire toolkit: Keeping Children Safe: A Toolkit for Child Protection.