Alderney | March 22nd | 2021
It was lovely to have last week off.
I found that Lockdown meant there was lots of time to work. Work then generated more work and by the time we were ‘released’ – a couple of weeks ago now – I felt rather depleted. I didn’t do anything in particular – it was just nice to have easy days and stop myself making and getting through long To Do lists.
Now the early spring sunshine is here as I sit gazing at the island’s little harbour.
FIRSTLY – I have not yet mastered the recording of my presentation. I promised it to you all last time and to participants who couldn’t attend. I did do a re-run on Zoom, but the file size was too big, so I’ve now got to upload it to YouTube or Vimo and got stuck. This week I will get unstuck, but if there are any of you out there who are experienced with this sort of thing then do get in touch. I could do with a hand!
Once again I would like to ask the question of this community:
We are progressing with SuperBetter Children in Zambia and working out (with the team) a few fun activities that will help us get a baseline on the children’s physical activity, dietary intake and ideas around well-being. Our colleague at the University of Loughborough is helping us organise all this well so that we can publish it later, get people to take note and hopefully fund a much bigger programme.
Since the last diary entry, a group of children in Guam are busy coming up with ideas for stories on resilience and well-being having had some online learning sessions. We are beginning to learn both how MUCH we can do, but also the limitations when you can’t get that BUZZ that is ‘being together’ in a room. By the end of this week, we should have some story scenarios we can start working up into full story plots. Exciting!
Have any of you been following us on INSTAGRAM? @childrenforhealth? We’d love to know what you think. We are even publishing summaries of our stories in a carousel.
We are ALWAYS looking for new friends who support us with a monthly donation. So, if you think you can support us in this way – then please click this link to set it all up. It only takes a couple of minutes. Alternatively, forward this newsletter to others you think might be interested in learning more about what we are up to.
We’ve been busy on the blog and here are the links to the posts since our last newsletter. Do take a look! For all health professionals – the USAID Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank is a very important new hub.
All the best,
P.S. I have been watching from my desk as the evenings have got lighter and, since I last wrote, the sunset has moved around and I can now see the sunset from my desk!