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Effective Action for Adolescent Nutrition | WHO Guidelines

There is something we like about the specific nature of these guidelines from WHO on Adolescent Nutrition.

An extremely distilled 6-point summary is set out below:

  1. Reduced intake of ‘free sugars’ (glucose, sucrose, maltose, corn syrup honey, invert sugar, hydrolysed starch and fructose)
  2. Increasing potassium intake (e.g. beet greens, sweet potato, soy, lima white beans, mushrooms, banana, tomatoes, cantaloupes etc.)
  3. Reduction in sodium intake (processed foods are high in salt)
  4. The fortification of maize flour and corn meal with vitamins and minerals with iron, folic acid
  5. All food-grade salt fortified with iodine
  6. Daily iron supplementation in adolescent girls

1-3 are within the control of families, like the increase of some nutrition foods and the reduction of other foods; 4-6 are more about systems (fortification and supplementation).

The challenge is to find ways to nudge families towards the better choices. We believe that children themselves can be powerful agents of change if taught correctly and mobilised in a way they find interesting and fun. Take a look at our website for free posters and story books that can be used with young adolescents.

A rainbow with seven stripes arcs over colourful fruits and vegetables.Download our resources for young adolescents, specifically on the topic of nutrition below. The story books and the poster, Children’s Action for Nutrition are also available in Portuguese.