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Happy 10th Anniversary to Us!

Dear Friends,

Today I’m proud to be celebrating 10 YEARS since we launched my organisation, Children for Health. The launch was at the National Theatre in London on July 13th, 2013, with friends, family, supporters, and well-wishers.

It has been hard work as we had to build the organisation from scratch, but we did so in the belief that there was a real desire for our work… and now all these years later we see hundreds and hundreds of our resources – co-created with children and other partners form many different countries – being downloaded all over the world.

We know that they are being adapted and translated by many hundreds of people in many ways and so while we cannot predict what’s next for Children for Health we can be proud of and celebrate where we have got to so far.

The whole organisation was built around his idea of the 100 messages for children to learn and share – a kind of health ‘times table’.  We do many other things now, but the idea that children can understand, learn and share key health messages with their friends, family and wider community is still at the core of what we do.

The icon logos for each of our ten main health topics. Malaria has a dark red background with a mosquito, diarrhoea has a light brown background with a child squatting to poo, coughs and colds has an orange background with a child in profile coughing, immunisation has a purple background with a syringe, intestinal worms has a pink background with three worms, caring for babies has a yellow background with a toddler being helped to walk, HIV & AIDS has a purple background with a red ribbon, water, sanitation & hygiene has a blue background with a pair of hands holding soap above a bucket of water, accidents and preventing injuries has a grey background with a bandaged hand and finally nutrition has a green background with a bowl of colourful food with a spoon above it.

I’m amazed that on LinkedIn over many years I have built a network which today stands at 4,692. We have a smaller community who get our (ir)regular newsletters 3-4 times a year and a group of regular donors who give us a boost every month. I’m so grateful for all that support!

These past two months have been a bit quiet for me as personal, family pressures have increased, and it was important for me to take a step back. Also, we are now in the British summer period a time when I choose to reflect, go quiet and take stock. It’s just that this activity has come a bit earlier this year! There is much happening on the horizon and from September things should be picking up again.

I’m grateful to my wonderful Trustees, our supporters and donors who continue to believe in our work and want to see it grow and thrive.

Happy 10th Anniversary to Children for Health!

If you’d like to give us a gift, and I’m not asking for donations, I’d love you to take five minutes from your day and take a look around our website:

… and maybe download one of our amazing free resources – a storybook, a poster – or something else and re-familiarise yourself with what we are up to. Tell a friend about us too. We’d love to have them!

Best wishes,

Claire Hanbury's signature
