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NEW! Immunisation Poster Launch

We are THRILLED to announce the publication of a new two-sided poster on Immunisation!

Front of our immunisation poster. It has 10 messages about immunisation that children can learn and share and each message is illustrated.

Immunisation is one of our 10 key health topics and this poster is part of our Posters for Health series.

A huge THANK YOU to the many experts who kindly reviewed the content over very many months.

As is the case for most of our ‘topic posters’, the front of the poster illustrates 10 key messages for children to learn and share. The back of the poster includes activities to help children understand and share the messages with others.

Download the two-sided Immunisation poster
FREE now and share the link with your networks!

It is best if both sides of the poster are printed out on A3 for sharing with children.

Children can learn and share the ten messages. When they share them with others, reward them with a ‘collectible’ like a ribbon or a piece of fabric to tie onto a stick.

Join our community to keep up-to-date with all our publications and our projects. Please contact us using this form as we would LOVE to know what you think of our posters and how you are using them!