I spent two nights in London this week. I have a small flat (usually rented out), but empty during lockdown and I’m preparing it for new tenants now that lockdown is easing! It was fun to be back in my old neighbourhood and to use the London bikes for the first time instead of public transport. Are any of your having any mini adventures? Please let us know!
This week I’ve also had pause to think of my ‘origin story’. Some of the old timers in my network will know this story but if you don’t – take a look here. It’s a 3-minute read!
Our curated list doesn’t have any additions this week, although I’ve just read through the first draft of our COVID-19 storybook!
We have had an amazing response to our call for educators and organisations in KENYA who might be interested in hearing from Children for Health. Nearly 4,000 engagements on LinkedIn with a single post and many people reaching out and recommending organisations that we can contact. I’ve never used LinkedIn in this way before and it’s really working. If you are, or if you know an organisation, in Kenya who might be interested in our stuff then please let us know. It will be great to talk to Mary, who heads up an organisation in Nairobi, next week – to explore ideas and ways we can support each other – funding free.
…this week with:
Many other partnerships and ideas gathering apace. Hopefully our first steps towards NEW funded work!
I always end the newsletter with this… so it’s only fresh for the new members (and a nudge to the ‘old’ members!) – every week this messages seems worth repeating! Please, please, become one of our 100 precious supporters! Please join us if you can!
…if you think our work is valuable and you are able, please consider donating at any level and enable us to make it through this difficult year (UK taxpayers can also add gift aid).
If you are not in a position to give, but have ideas or contacts with partners who might like to know more about our work, please get in touch.
Enjoy the next week.
P.S. Here is a link to our weekly posts since April!