Our November topic is HIV & AIDS.
Our 100 Health Messages for Children to Learn and Share are simple, reliable health education messages aimed at children aged 8-14, this includes young adolescents aged 10-14. We feel that it is especially useful and important to make sure that young adolescents are informed as this age group often cares for young children in their families. Also, it’s important to recognise and praise the work they are doing to help their families in this way.
The messages are arranged as 10 messages in 10 key health topics: Malaria, Diarrhoea, Nutrition, Coughs, Colds & Pneumonia, Intestinal Worms, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, Immunisation, HIV & Aids, Accidents & Preventing Injuries and Caring for Babies & Young Children. The simple health messages are for parents and health educators to use with children at home and in schools, clubs and clinics.
These health messages have been reviewed by expert health educators and medical experts and are available on the Health ORB website too.
Here are some ideas for activities children can do to understand more about our November topic and share the messages with others.
For more specific information on The Lifeline Game, the Fleet of Hope Game or an
example of a True or False Game please contact us or e-mail clare@childrenforhealth.org
To learn more about our December topic, see HIV & AIDS.