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Reconnections! Health Books International

It was wonderful to meet Madeleine Bates and her team this week and to find out about the newly branded organisation Health Books International (HBI). HBI was originally called Teaching-aids at Low Cost (TALC) and very well known among health professionals overseas. As an organisation originally founded by David Morley (who also founded Child-to-Child), we have common roots but found much more in common, in particular how to best serve the poorest people in the world access the best, up-to-date and accurate health information. HBI is enthusiastic to list our free resources on their website and help us find new networks to get more people knowing about them.

Clare with the HBI team!

Here are some extracts from their website. Go over and visit them to view their amazing collection!

Health Books International (HBI) is a UK-registered charity run on a not-for-profit basis. It is solving the problem that Health workers in low income countries do not always have access to up-to-date health and medical information to help them diagnose and treat their patients. HBI offer a practical, highly-effective response to a lack of access to information by sourcing, producing and distributing practical and accessible health information designed for use where resources are limited. HBI listed materials are clearly written, well-illustrated and relevant to the conditions in which many health workers operate – with limited access to electricity and reliable internet connections, sophisticated equipment or drugs for treatment.

Originally called Teaching-aids at Low Cost (TALC), HBI was founded in 1965 by Professor David Morley CBE MD FCRP, in response to requests from overseas students for teaching books and equipment to use in their own countries. David Morley began his medical career as an undergraduate in Cambridge and then at St Thomas’ Hospital, London.

He worked first at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and then the Institute of Child Health setting up the tropical child health unit and ran courses for senior paediatricians and nurses from developing countries.  This unit formed the basis for the present Centre for International Health and Development. Prof Morley joined with colleagues at the Institute of Education to form Child-to-Child, a global network for activities for children to improve their own health.

Initially, TALC focussed on sending out transparencies. Demand grew and the charity expanded into distributing books and teaching-aids and accessories. Since then, TALC has continued to grow and has distributed millions of books, slides and accessories relating to health and community issues to thousands of health workers throughout the developing world.

Prof Morley’s legacy is improved health for many worldwide.

The HBI team with ZuZu, ZaZa and the Rainbow Stick