I think that what would be helpful is to have these discussions with a group of street educators and a group of street youth. It would be interesting to have both perspectives. You would, of course, need to localise the language of these questions and I’m sure you could write a better set. Here are some starting points…
If there is no time for this then don’t feel under pressure. If it were me I would set aside a couple of hours for each of the two discussions – keeping them informal. If there is time then what would also be fantastic would be some photos of the discussions and of children using phones ‘one the street’ as it were – again ensuring consent and confidentiality where needed. Recording the discussions would be great as the info then becomes ‘data’ but maybe a step too far.
If we were able to get some good information then what I would suggest is that as an outcome of this – we put a proposal together to do a pilot and find a funder (Comic Relief?) under their ‘research’ grant initiative (up to 25K) or ‘indigo’ (up to 10K) if we can keep the budget low. I would be happy to help put together the proposal, to provide some technical support on the health and life skills side and facilitate some help on the technical side but I would not imagine you would need me in country (which is so expensive anyway!). I am not an expert on the tech side but after years of developing these ideas I have some ideas and good contacts and we have figured out some ways that this type of project could work. We could also get the research clustered within the CSC’s research associate group under Sarah TdeB who leads this group and who could keep an eye on the design and ensure a participatory and developmental design. She is very interested in this whole area and has already invited me to put together a proposal for consideration… wouldn’t this be FAB!
Keep safe and I’m here if you want to to-and-fro on any of this from DRC.