There are two main ways for you to Work With Us – Become a Partner or Sponsor Us.
We would love the chance to meet with any businesses, charities, government organisations or any other group with an interest in spreading health messages to children and adolescents.
You can donate directly to Children for Health where 90% of your donation is spent on work that has a direct impact on the lives of children in developing countries.
Children for Health works with partners. We offer a range of services that establish, strengthen or support programmes developing children’s participation in health. We have 30 years of field experience working in East, West and Southern Africa, India, South East Asia, Pakistan and the Yemen.
If you want to be our partner, you must have the following characteristics!
We are always keen to hear from practitioners who are using our content and our activities and who wish to talk to us or make contact with us through our social media platforms to share experience, give us feedback or to get advice.
We’re currently looking for sponsorship of the following programmes and materials. We have lots of ideas and we’d love to work with you to turn them into a reality!
We are developing a course on Children’s Participation in Health. This will be scalable and available for interested partner organisations globally. We need to build the capacity, develop the courses (using best practices we’ve learnt) and then produce a suite of easily accessible and downloadable courses and materials. We aim to allowing anyone in the world to access our training tools and methods digitally.
Our Stories for Health series is well established and we’ve got so many more planned! Each book costs £5k to develop and we want to complete the series. These storybooks will be used by children and their teachers in resource-poor settings.
Our Posters for Health have been created with a team of experts including practitioners in several continents – and reviewed by children! They are being downloaded every day. We want to create more posters to complete our 10 topic series (and our other health topics too).
Memory Palaces will help children to memorise our 100 health messages quickly and easily – even if they cannot read!
We feel that the time is right for Children for Health explore and co-create some simple messages and materials for educators to use with young adolescents to raise awareness of mental health and to give children tools and tactics to use to boost their emotional and social resilience and prevent mental health related illnesses.
In 2019, Children for Health would like to build a new project to address the issues of disability and inclusion head on. We wish to recruit a team of experts and together with them, create and test a set of messages for children to learn and share that is explicit about how children can help support each other, address stigma and influence others to do the same at home and at school. From the results of this work we will create a poster and a storybook and this will include (remote) field testing in three countries using educators already helping us and familiar with our materials.
We feel confident that with our network of collaborators we can produce and contribute something simple, practical and of great value to all educators working to make things better for children with disabilities.
Contact us or e-mail to get your sponsorship underway.
Contact us now or e-mail with any sponsorship, fundraising or partnership enquiries.
We do not fund others to undertake programmes. We are not a donor.