We started developing these wonderful posters in 2015, all of which have been very well received and used by teachers, trainers and project managers in several countries around the world – including the CfH Vision, the CfH 100 Messages, and two programme-specific posters. These can be viewed and downloaded from our free resources section.
Children for Health’s 100 messages for children to learn and share, click to download.
We wish to co-create a poster for each of the remaining core health topics alongside practitioners and expert groups. This will cost £5K per poster. A hugely worthwhile project that will impact thousands of children’s lives. The posters illustrate ‘what children can do’ linked to the topic and have the messages and ideas on how to work with children for practitioners on the reverse side of the poster. The posters will all be freely available as downloads from our website. Alongside our ten main health topics, we have cause from time-to-time to develop other health topics and we’ve been able to create posters for a few! If you (or your organisation) has an idea for health a topic and would like to develop a poster, we’d love to work with you!
To develop the Children for Health collection of topic-focussed Posters for Health. Download statistics, a detailed budget and plan is available on request or e-mail clare@childrenforhealth.org.