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Filthy the Fly

Filthy the FlyFilthy the fly loves dirt and disease! A short second stage reader illustrating with rhyme and pictures the power of children to stop flies spreading disease. Our books have clean clear layouts and illustrations with minimal use of

The Puzzle

The PuzzleThe Puzzle is a colourful well illustrated storybook about hygiene. It tells the story of two children, Mika and Christina going on a journey to find a series of puzzle cards hidden around their village. They work out the

100 Messages for Children to Learn and Share

100 Messages for Children to Learn and ShareThis is the Children for Health, ‘signature poster’. It is two-sided and available to download. Please note, we do not sell hard copies.  The front shows the 10 topics that is the Children

The 100 Messages Booklet

The 100 Messages BookletThis digital booklet contains the Children for Health 100 messages for children to learn and share, sorted into the ten topics in a colourful easy-to-use, easy-to-print format. We do not sell hard copies. Download Now!