Children for Health is dedicated to the promotion of health education in developing countries, focused on developing children as agents of change and communicators of essential health messages in their families and communities.
As we’re based in the UK all our content is produced in English, however we’re dedicated to getting this valuable information to the people who need it most. To that end we have worked with many dedicated and talented volunteers to translate our content. We currently have 22 languages on offer, but more is in the works!
Browse our content in the following languages:
We’re adding new languages as fast as we can, a donation would help if you’re able!
Many hundreds of thousands of children die each year because their parents and others lack basic health information and skills. Children in developing countries are a fantastic resource. Like children everywhere, they are competent and enthusiastic. They can learn, collect and share basic health ideas and skills to keep healthy themselves, and to help others.
“At Children for Health it is our dream that, before children leave primary school, every child will have learnt and shared 100 important health messages.”
Clare Hanbury, CEO
The Children for Health Collection is for educators, parents and others who live or work with children. It is a hub containing reliable health education messages and activities to inspire children from eight years old. At the moment our Collection covers 10 health topics and we aim to be adding many more. We are also collecting news about what children are doing and further sources of knowledge on each topic. We are uploading content all the time. The first version of our Collection is just the beginning, the starting point and it will evolve as people use and contribute ideas and experiences.
The Children for Health 100 = 10 health messages for children to learn and share in 10 health topics. Each one is designed for 8-13 year olds. Each message has an extra page of information about the message and how to get children mobilised to learn more and share ideas!
Alongside each topic, we collected free health education materials for those ‘Children’s Champions’ working to mobilise children as activists and messengers of good health. These might be teachers, youth workers, faith leaders and others.
The messages and activities provide Children’s Champions with a short cut to highly reliable health education content and activities that can be used in the classroom and in clubs.
Children for Health is dedicated to the promotion of health education in developing countries, focused on developing children as agents of change and communicators of essential health messages in their families and communities.
Children for Health is dedicated to the promotion of health education in developing countries, focused on developing children as agents of change and communicators of essential health messages in their families and communities.
Children for Health promotes child-focused health education in developing countries. We use many channels to work with projects, programmes and people. All our partners want the same thing – to involve and support children as ambassadors and communicators of essential health messages with their friends and in their families and communities. This is based on two key insights:
Alongside our partners, Children for Health researches, develops, promotes and distributes health education materials for children and their educators; these are free-of-charge, child-friendly and distributed effectively and efficiently through multiple channels: print, website, video, radio, text and mobile.
Children for Health’s 100 messages for children to learn and share